Although I'm not really experienced enough to do this, I thought I would help you Adam fans out with the topic of love. I have a conducted a short list of dating Do's and Don'ts. The list is conducted from my own experiences and I hope you use it wisely.
Remember their name; This is generally quite important!
Listen, engage and ask questions, find out what you can about them and pull your best interested face whilst doing this.
If he is boring, get him pissed.
Make lots of eye contact; with them not the waiter
Pay your way; its 2009!
Pretend to like their pets; Don't get caught kicking them.
Stay away from the X (Partner) Files; Chances are your both single for a reason
Go to a sushi bar if you hate fish; spending the evening spitting your food out will not score you bonus points.
Get drunk and steal pictures from pub walls.
When staying at his house do not get naked and get up to sleep on his settee; Especially if he lives with his parents.
Take them to a rough pub where it is likely their car will be broken into.
Flirt, kiss or have sex with their best friend; it just gets nasty!
Throw up on them.
Date someone you met in the sauna.
If before the 10th date they have an outburst and tell you they were abused by their dad, Do not call them anymore! I mean be fair, people can be abused and be normal but if they tell you prematurely and in an unhealthy manner take my advice.
Do not tell him this was the reason you stopped calling; He might do something mental like, I dunno, threaten to glass you on a night out!
Be too dirty in the sack the first time you " do it". Some people may not like being smacked across the face with your ****!!
Start a fight in a bar, street or taxi.
Go watch a scary move if your likely to cry, scream or jump in a unnatural fashion.
Show them you know all the dance moves to Steps!